Essays, Comics, and Other Writing
With wide-ranging interests and areas of specialty, Sara writes pieces in multiple publications. Below, you can find examples of their work in comics, their contributions to anthologies, and their writing for major and niche publications.
A short story inspired by the nonprofit industrial complex: “RE: REQUEST FOR PROPHECIES AND QUEST FUNDING APPLICATION GUIDELINES“, The Sunday Morning Transport
Assorted pieces at, a p(HiLo)sophical blog:
- MacGyver Your Enthusiasm 11: Remington Steele
- Vurt Your Enthusiasm 17: Sarah Canary
- Kick Your Enthusiasm 3: Swift Wind
- Ferb Your Enthusiasm 21: Bojack Horseman
- Squad Goals 12: Betsy, Tacy and Tib
- Crom Your Enthusiasm 2: The Sword in the Stone
- Wowee Zowee 20: Dig Me Out
- Seriocomic 2: Amphigorey
- Lost Objects 48: Finger Puppet
“Try Writing Comics,” Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association
“Meet the Fe26 Maidens, the all-girl robotics team from the Bronx,” The Atlantic

“Finger Puppet,” in Lost Objects, Hat and Beard Press, 2022

“Shift,” with Val Wise, 2021

“Openly Bisexual,” a personal essay in The V-Word, Simon Pulse/Beyond Words, 2016

“V.I.P.”, pencils and inks by Christian Duce, colors by Wendy Broome, in Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman, #29–#30, DC Entertainment 2015

“The Importance of Being Malec: Windows, Mirrors, and Cassandra Clare’s Queer Characters” in Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader, SmartPop Books, 2012

“Launchpad to Neptune”, with Randy Powell, in Girl Meets Boy, Chronicle Books, 2012

“Nineteen Panels About Me And Comics” in Chicks Dig Comics, Mad Norwegian Press, 2012

“Fair Trade,” with Dylan Meconis, in Welcome to Bordertown, Random House, 2011

“Flytrap #4: Performance Anxiety,” with Sarah Burrini, Cold Water Press, 2009

“Take to the Sky,” with Jonathan Case, in Comic Book Tattoo, Image Comics, 2008

“Orienteering,” with Erika Moen, 2008

“Escape from Alcatraz: The Dummy Head Breakout,” with Steve Lieber, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, 2008

“Click,” with Dylan Meconis, Cold Water Press, 2007

“Einbahnstrasse Waltz,” with Cat Farris, Cold Water Press, 2007

“Flytrap #3: Over the Wall,” with Ron Chan, Cold Water Press, 2007

“Flytrap #2: Deep, Too,” with Ron Chan, Cold Water Press, 2007

“Flytrap #1: Juggling Act,” with Steve Lieber, Cold Water Press, 2005

“Family Story,” with Steve Lieber, in Hellboy: Weird Tales, Volume 1, Dark Horse Comics, 2003

“Me and Edith Head,” a script, with commentary by Steve Lieber, in Panel Two: More Comic Book Scripts by Top Writers, About Comics, 2003

“Me and Edith Head,” with Steve Lieber, Cold Water Press, 2003
Want to collaborate?
For a versatile contributor to your essay collection, prose or comics anthology, or other publication reach out to Sara at the link below.